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A big "Shakedown"

It was evident very early on that the team and
all the equipment would need several really
good "shakedowns" if everything was going to
work well on the trip, and where better than
our beloved South Wales.
The Team
The team was going to have to work together
as one knowing exacly what was expected of
every one of them. To come up with
suggestions on how thier tasks can be made
more efficient and really get to know all
the emergency procedures. After all someones
life may depend on it.
The Equipment
It's ok having all this great equipment but what
if it doesn't work or not in the way that it's
expected. Lots of time spent researching the
gear then testing in a real life scenario.

Welsh Leg

Training in South Wales
215 km, 1 Country, 2 days

"Emergency procedures must be
praticed and perfected, after all
someones life may depend on it"